Wednesday 21 January 2009

Traffic Faculty Teacher Answers questions about New License Age, Blue Headlights & Low Speed Cars.

Query : we've heard contrary reports from 2 different traffic college instructors concerning the probable change of the driving age here in California. Content spinning. One traffic college instructor told my partners class the state has passed a new law announcing that youngsters can't get their driver license till they are eighteen. The license remains temporary till the driver turns eighteen.

That implies that they are subject to the more tough rules and penalties of the juvenile courts should they are getting a violation. I finished an internet traffic faculty that never discussed this new law. Im gambling the school room traffic faculty instructor has kids and is the victim of wishful thinking. The age when a minor is fit for a driving permit is fifteen and sixteen remains the minimum age to get a drivers license. However, the license of a driver under the age of eighteen isn't the same license that adults carry around. The license remains temporary till the driver turns eighteen. That suggests that they are subject to the more stringent rules and penalties of the juvenile courts should they are getting a violation. Are law enforcement agencies mentioning these drivers? Is there a vehicle code section addressing this with potential traffic college penalties or is this simply a fix-it ticket? A : Legal vehicle head lights can only be white. What you are probably seeing are xenon headlights, which are much brighter than standard headlights and seem to be blue. Q : Why is it the police say that person can be cited and sent to traffic college when driving a low speed auto on a public street? A : Do not blame the officer for this one, blame sticker shock.

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